How do you get your parents to stop fighting
Ensure that your child knows what patience looks like and help them see the benefits of patience in relationships.If you feel like you might yell or explode instead of talking calmly, take a walk around the block to calm down first.Here are six smart ways to keep the fighting to a minimum.Tell them you want to talk to them when things are calm.Perhaps the kids will stop fighting, but either way, you are calm and peaceful and in control.
Spend time with each child individually.Walk up to them and tell them firmly that you are disturbed by their arguing.It's time for your mom to leave your dad and take y'all with her.All too often, a bickering war starts because one child sees another getting something he/she doesn't get, especially when it comes to time spent with a parent.They are intense & destructive.
David tells us in psalm 25:9, he leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way..If blood is being spilled, or people are getting knocked out get the police involved.You can't talk with your dad but maybe you can get through to your mom.No, you don't have to hurt yourself or do something awful to get their attention.It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles, though.