Who s an open minded person

Who s an open minded person

You prefer spontaneity and unpredictability.There is no attempt to force you to accept their opinion, and they won't shut you down just because you don't fully agree.An open minded person is someone who is able to consider the thoughts and beliefs of others as well as their own.They're great to talk to.Becoming more aware of our own biases is the first step to challenging them and becoming open to new ideas.

An example of an open minded person is one who listens to her opponent in a debate to see if the information makes sense or if she can change her mind.Be aware of your biases.A close minded person or narrow minded person is someone who is against considering new ideas and who believes his opinions about how life works must be right.Open people appear to have a more flexible gate and let through more information than the average person, said anna antinori, lead author of a study where researchers from the.Being able to change outdated or incorrect beliefs is an important part of learning and personal growth.

Intjs take a lot of time and effort to research and understand most subjects.

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