Why is sand play therapeutic
Play is the language of children and the sand tray provides a safe medium for expression, free from judgment.…circle of heaven, the center, realized in earth, the square, emanating in the four directions… often the hands will solve a mysteryPlaying sand in group develops social skills:The sandplay method is a play therapy modality, which consists of the child, or adult client making whatever he or she feels like building with a wide assortment of miniature figures in a tray of sand in the presence of a trained professional.A special play therapy sand tray is used in this technique.
This paper presents the results of a qualitative study on the use of sandplay, or sand tray therapy, in the psychotherapeutic process of children who have been sexually abused.Sand play bypasses the logical and intellectual parts of the brain.This can provide boundaries separating parts of the tray or represent a journey.The main advantage of sandplay is the unconditional admissive environment created.It uses sand in a tray along with miniatures to allow the user to create their own microcosm.
Sand is a moveable medium, so clients can make hills in the sand and elevate certain things.The therapist or counselor holding the session will encourage the client to express themselves by creating a.It helps them focus on the task at hand and improves concentration.Introduce math and science concepts with playing sand.A longitudinal study was carried out with seven participants between the ages of 7 and 10 years old.
These techniques occur with psychotherapy or during periods of emotional crisis to help clients.A microcosm is a term used to describe the little world that's created by an individual.