Will I die if I drink everyday
Chronic alcohol abuse can include arrhythmias, cirrhosis, and risk of stroke.Excessive drinking increases your blood pressure, overtaxes your liver, damages your immune system, increases your risk of various cancers, and most insidiously, tangles your brain.Plenty of drunks get through a pint a day.It often occurs two to three days after your last drink.Chronic drinking can lead to diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancers.
It will have an effect.And, if you drink diet coke every day, you're sadly at an increased risk of developing the disease during your lifetime.Stage 2 is considered the moderate stage of withdrawal.If you are drinking every night or routinely drink as high as 14 units over a week, it's best to disperse your drinking a little more equally over 3 or more days.Fast heart rate (more than 100 beats per minute) fever.
The researchers studied 234 people who had some form of liver disease.It's entirely possible that amount of liquor will have relatively little effect on your actual life expectancy, provided you eat well and don't drive drunk.Put simply, binge drinkers didn't live as long.I don't think i like life.