Is the engram in the hippocampus
In mice, optogenetic manipulation of this memory engram established that these neurons are indispensable and inducing for memory recall.Cellular mechanisms of memory formation.The modern search for the engramEngram cells are found in the hippocampus as well as other parts of the brain.In this image of the brain, the hippocampus is the large yellow structure near the top.
Does the behaviourally induced potentiation observed in this study satisfy the first criterion in the search for a hippocampal engram?The remainder of this review will consider the engram for declarative memory in the hippocampus.However, little is known about their in vivo activity or precise role in memory.These memories are represented by the activity of specific neuronal groups or 'engrams' 1,2.The susceptibility to chronic social defeat stress is regulated by hippocampal ca1 engrams for negative memory.
Numerous theories have attempted to link the physiology of the hippocampus with its role in episodic memory ( 1 , 2 );This article has been cited by other articles in pmc.The activation of positive memory engrams has been shown to alleviate.Episodic memories are encoded by a sparse population of hippocampal neurons.