What means God complex
Intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks.A psychosis based in uncontrolled narcissism, inflated arrogance and a perceived need to subjugate and/or ridicule other individuals deemed to be inferior or unworthy.The god complex is a psychological illusion, and is exactly what the name suggests―a personality flaw in human beings, especially those with great power, who perceive themselves to be omniscient and omnipotent, and treat others as mere mortals.Need synonyms for god complex?Most people mistake having a god complex to mean an arrogant person, or someone who thinks they're above fault, but in my experience this is false.
They make it really evident that they have no interest in your thoughts.When i was little, i loved baseball (and still love the sport).I knew everything there was to know about baseball.Definition of the god complex.They may also believe that their points of view are unassailably accurate.
They are full of themselves.You're the most intelligent person in the room, always correct—and everyone else either agrees with you or is wrong.God complex is an unusual mental condition wherein one develops an unshakable belief, characterized by consistent inflated feelings of personal ability, infallibility.