Why does my wife keep bringing up the past
So, the next time your ex turns the conversation towards all the bad memories, rather than getting into.Keep her safe so she can share everything with you.You're the one who decides to get angry.These memories of the past (arguments, disagreements, unfair treatment, conflicts, etc.) often contain strong emotions.His wife thinks she will be bored and lonely so she reminds him of his past to try and make him feel guilty and not go.
They have issues from the past.Let him know how the constant reminders make you feel.When we take every opportunity to remind our spouses of past problems or mistakes, it makes it clear that we really haven't forgiven or moved on.The aspect of any relationship that suffers the most when there is trouble is the channel of communication.No article can make your wife stop trying to change behavior that is painful to her.
But at the end of the day c, your feelings are your feelings and no one can make you feel anything without your permission.For every sad and hurtful memory which he states, you may have.But other times she'll maybe go overboard.I heard from a wife who said:We are always able to recall some past wrong which you have committed or some particular transgression which we will use to suit our current purposes.
My wife caught me sexting with someone and confronted me but i made things ok.Take responsibility for how these feelings then have you act out in certain ways.Your wife is bringing up strong, negative emotional memories which produce crying or anger in her.Make an effort and listen to her situation.Let them know you respect.
Otherwise, doubt and lack of trust will take over.